Current Transmissions:


The Reality Show

CAMERA ON. Sound on.

MAX checking the clips in his guns. The rest of the team are preparing to move. We see FRANK scanning the horizon. GONER is picking up a shoulder bag. ANGST is leaning against a rock, with a bowie knife in hand.

Camera focuses in on Max.

(to camera)
Clean body, clean mind.

Max grins and changes his socks.

I really don't know what I could tell you at the moment.

Max balls up the dirty socks and puts them in his jacket pocket.

(to camera)
Bear with me okay?

In a couple of hours they would be hard as rock and he could use them as lethal weapons.

Max laughs.

I've been meaning to ask you, why do you change your socks before battle?

It's a ritual.

Does it work?

I'm still here aren't I?

Ah. So can you recap what we are doing here at the moment?

There's a group of Quiks nestled up in the building there.

Camera pans to a devastated building. Zooms in on something peering out, but before the camera comes into focus the something disappears. The camera pans around.

MAX (cont.)
They have several hostages that they are going to feed on. What we are doing here is a little rescue.

You think it's a wise idea to go storming in the front door?

We don't have that much time. They could have already killed and eaten one or two of them already.

Camera pans to HOST who has a disgusted look on their face. The Host just points to Max as if to order the Camera back to Max.

Frank comes into the shot and up to Max.

Maggie's in place. She's ready to rock when we are.

(to camera)
Well, let's earn some ratings now.

There is laughter off screen.

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