Current Transmissions:


> Chantelle in Plureality 2

Confusing thoughts overlapping, trying to distract them. 
Nothing’s making sense, everything’s a mess. 
Not knowing why I feel this. Are these even feelings or just senseless thoughts running through my head? 
I can’t make them stop. 
Close my eyes and take a deep breath.  
Wanting to be alone, yet I don’t.  
This state of mind just isn’t natural; at least that’s what I’m told.

The Ghost Writer


MAX CUBE sits at his computer. He is typing out a passage into a blog. A smoldering cigarette sits in an ashtray beside him. Several butts have been put out amongst them, so he's been here for a long while. A cup of coffee is on the other side of him. His fingers move about the keyboard as the scroll in the blog continues to grow. 

The Camera POV's to what he is typing on the screen:


MAX CUBE sits at his computer. He is typing out a passage into a blog. A smoldering cigarette sits in an ashtray beside him. Several butts have been putt out amongst them, so he's been here for a long while. A cup of coffee is on the other side of him. His fingers move about the keyboard as the scroll in the blog continues to grow. 

The Camera POV's to what he is typing on the screen:

CUT To Max
As he reaches for the cigarette.

Damn, that's intense!

The Chase Is On (Taken From: Mags' Day Out)


There are three men and a woman in the car. JANKO and LOMAX are in the front, with JANKO behind the wheel. In the back sit ALICE and CARTER. They are all dressed in dark suits; ALICE is wearing a red tie. Lomax, Alice and Carter are making sure that  their guns are ready for combat.

You think she spotted us?

With Janko driving she just put the mark on us.

Screw you.

I don't do apes.


MAGS glances back through her rearview mirror. She spots the car following her. She hits a speed button on her cellphone.

Yeah defenitely LEGACY.

Are they making a move yet?

No, they are still tailing. Trying to find out where I am going probably.

What you going to do about it?

Going to teach them a few manners about tailgating.

MAGS pulls the car to the curb.

And Now For Your Viewing Pleasure

He sits at his desk, shuffling through the data-films in front of him, finding the one he wants. He sets it down on top of the desk, taking a laser pen he begins to click on icons on the flimsy and they begin to open up. 

It's research that he's doing. While reading a passage he reaches for the ashtray.

He takes a lit cigar that is smoldering away, he puffs it back to the inferno it once was, blowing out the blue smoke into the room, the sweet smell of the deathbringer lingered for a bit.


Control leans forward and presses a button on the intercom.


"We have the feed coming in now, sir."

"Transfer it here,"


He swivels in his chair, he presses another button and the wall behind him begins to part like the red sea, revealing 13 television monitors. Images constantly playing out various scenes of life, death, love and boredom flood into the room. Control's eyes focus on screen 11. A frown appears on his face as the video feed comes in.