Current Transmissions:


v.Super The Channel

Where the strange currents of the autonic field flow, wonders may happen! When Channel taps into the field he can connect other sources of energy, creating links that amplify properties, boost powers and even share thoughts. A mighty ally, he has been witnessed igniting Tower's shield, electrifying Seraphim's touch, and transforming Silhouette into smoke...   

v.Super The Tower

Defender! Protector! Guardian! Able to surround himself and others in a shield of charged autons, Tower becomes impregnable against flame, bullets, and even lasers. When villains strike he is there to keep them at bay, and keep innocents from harm's way! Always fearless, he is the first to rush into danger.

v.Super The Silhouette

What is that shadow in the corner of your eye? Could it be Silhouette, altering the autonic field around her to become near-invisible? A master of stealth, enemies can not see her approach - even with the highest of technologies! Nor can any trap hold her, for she can modulate the autons in her body to pass through solid matter.