- The Bunker
- The Lab Level Two
- The Cast
- The Bookstore
- The Brownstone
- The Subway
- Metafesto
- The Diner
- The Lab
A Celebration of Linear Time
by The Professor
“In honour of the wide-spread consensus belief that events generally move forward progressively, and that cause precedes effect (and intentionally ignoring the facts that plureality manifests as both a holarchy and a fractal), I have created a Timeline of Max Cube.
Enjoy, and Happy New Year!”
Origin Story
- as described in version.OPI8
- Max's involvement with the military, MK-Omega, the Cadre
- Max shoots and kills his handler Morganfokker
The Diner
- Max becomes involved in a global occult war
- Max meets the original Dragons (Dexter, Wraith, Callan,
- Max begins to hear the voice of Control
- Max begins to experience different versions of reality
- Max often perceives events as if they are a TV show
- Time/Memory fragmentation increases
- Max meets Maggie during his escape from the secret base
Version X
- Max experiences radical disruptions to his mental health, as described in version.X, and version.THERAPY
- Max encounters various gods and enters the Abyss
- the return of Morganfokker
- Max is contacted by the Professor
- Maggie is revealed as Magriel and the demonic war starts
- new Dragons are recruited (Frank, Goner, Angst, Suki)
- Max reunites with Pretty George
- LEGACY becomes a threat
- other Travelers arrive
- Operation Control occurs
- the Remixes occur
- Tatterdemalion is rescued and joins the Dragons
[The Missing Season]
- following a long and mysterious gap in the record, the events
of Project Realtime occur
- Max meets Stone, Riveta, Scorpio, Donnelly and Mayganne
- Max is reunited with an older version of Suki
- Max meets Simon
- the newest Dragons undergo Initiation
- Maggie returns and meets with Susanna and Crow
- the old Dragons are trapped on the Subway
- a shift into a radically different version of space fantasy
- the adventures of the Guard and the climactic battle against the enemy
- (the changes initiated by Fragmented, Citadel and Underground are processed...)
- Max and Maggie briefly reunite in Purgatory
- Max experiences Channel Plex
- version.Minus is revealed
- Max rejoins the Cadre
- A Reunion of the Dragons
- A Reunion of the Fallen
- Plureality undergoes a massive flux of versions (including GenderBent, Dungeons&, Super, Space, Cyber, Western and Thespian)
- Godmode begins
- The Professor undertakes the Defrag experiment
- Max and Maggie reconnect in Unparalleled
- The Dragons experience the Backbone of the Metaplex
- Akimoto performs an Invocation
- The Iteration crescendoes in Neo Static
- Control reveals the existence of The System and Counter-System
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