Current Transmissions:


+ PLEX TOURS .8 The Cast

Max Cube: test subject, metaphysical mystery

Maggie Magenta: haunted warrior, guardian angel

Morganfokker: mad scientist, dreamweaver

The Professor: scholar, guide, seer

Control: the director of operations, the voice of fate

The Dragons


Dexter: v.MaverickCop, v.Minus, v.Fallen, v.Super, v.Space, v.Western, v.Little, v.Upgrade

Wraith: v.Ninja, v.Minus, v.Fallen, v.Super, v.Space, v.Western, v.Little, v.Upgrade

Callan: v.MysticWarrior, v.Minus, v.Fallen, v.Super, v.Space, v.Western, v.Little, v.Upgrade

Darius: v.StreetKid, v.DeviantAngel, v.Fallen, v.Super, v.Space, v.Western, v.Little, v.Upgrade


Frank: v.Hitman, v.Minus, v.Reunion, v.Genderbent, v.Dungeons&, v.Thespian, v.Little, v.Upgrade

Angst: v.Cheerleader, v.Minus, v.Reunion, v.Genderbent, v.Dungeons&, v.Thespian, v.Little, v.Upgrade

Goner: v.Mercenary, v.Channel, v.Minus, v.Reunion, v.Genderbent, v.Dungeons&, v.Thespian, v.Little, v.Upgrade

Suki: v.SchoolKid, v.GrownUp, v.Minus, v.Reunion, v.Genderbent, v.Dungeons&, v.Thespian, v.Little, v.Upgrade


Aqua: v.KungFuClubKid, v.Minus, v.Cadre, v.Cyber, v.Thespian, v.Little, v.Upgrade

Akimoto: v.TimeDisplacedBarbarianPoet, v.Minus, v.Cadre, v.Cyber, v.Thespian, v.Little, v.Upgrade


Mayganne: v.Church, v.Escapist, v.Channel, v.Minus, v.Upgrade

Donnelly: v.Priest, v.Principal, v.Minus, v.Upgrade

Riveta: v.Detective, v.Seeker, v.Minus, v.Upgrade

Stone: v.Detective, v.ConspiracyTheorist, v.Minus, v.Upgrade

Scorpio: v.Legacy, v.LARP, v.Minus, v.Upgrade


The Guard: Serisia, Chem Finder, Vlad, Kitty, Rand, Drake, Stryker, Dakk & Bekki, Severin

Allies and Anomalies

Pretty George: finder and fixer

Trump: talking cat

Bishop: the conductor

Simon: secret agent, Max's shadow

Marshal: quester, Max's secret identity

Mick: the writer, Max's nemesis

Tatterdemalion: strange girl from another planet

Alice: psychic waitress, Angst's daughter

Susanna: comfort, beacon

Hank: not everyone survives initiation

Twofeathers: shape-shifting imp, Darius' ally

Crow: initiation spirit


Danny Leung, Jex, Raven, Penelope, Natasha, Connor, Memphis, Precious, Amber, Summer, Miranda, Gabriel 7


LEGACY, Logollos, demons, mercenaries, monsters, Brogan, MK-Omega, criminals, paramilitary forces, MJ-13, Lucy Morningstar, The Beast, cyborgs, dictators, Purgatides, conspiracies, The Future, cults, aliens, Acers, Lanight, spies, gangsters, Throckmorton, Morbid, slavers, corporations, The Legend Gangs, terrorists, Jak, Jakk, Bolo, pirates, Meelos&Legos, undead, Nell&Ally, Angus Mode, assassins, Verdi, Weldwood Que, Mortif, The They, Anti-Max, 'Fingers In A Glass Of Water', Mr. Clean, Exos, The Ashen Tradition, the Children of the Pyre, the Red Cadre, The Ul'ran, The Infrared and Ultraviolet Lodges, The System/Counter-System