beige concrete block of elite condos looked like nothing grown,
something that landed here, whole and finished, anchoring the
surrounding buildings and the warm mid-afternoon street in a present
that would only ever welcome the past. A blind watchtower overseeing
the construction of an irrefutable history.
the car parked opposite, Brae, in a dark suit and tie, and Simon,
combat pants and a 'Home' logo shirt, his head shaved, finished
assembling the components of what Simon conceptualized as the latest
in demolition technology. The digital camera linked to the laptop,
remote access to the net. Brae, on the driver's side, began shooting
the irregular stream of people entering and exiting the building.
Simon uploaded the images to the website where specialist artists and
researchers they had never met - or perhaps they had - would make the
modifications, add commentary and revelations, before casting them
out into the ocean of data. A slow-motion global explosion, erosion.
did you hear the latest from Infoborous?" Simon asked, finger
tapping keys and tickling the mousepad.