Current Transmissions:


Double Trouble

Max stepped out of the car and left the door open; he left the car running and the music playing. At the moment his main goal was the coffee shop before him; he didn't mind that once he stepped inside the building two teens hopped into his car and peeled away.

"Jerks," he muttered. 

Max snapped his fingers and the car stopped on a dime. Throwing both of its passengers into the dashboard. The doors opened and it seemed that the two would be car-jackers were vomited out onto the ground.

Max didn't look at what was happening outside, as several customers had craned to see what the fuss was about and left their place in line to see.

Max stepped up to the counter with exact change in his hands and told the waitress, "I will have a large double-double please."

The Vacationers

Mags lay in the beach chair, decked out in a black two piece and oil covering her body. Glistening like dew on grass in the morning. The sound of waves lapping up on the beach was relaxing and calm.

"Heaven on earth," Max said as he placed his Corona on the table and grabbed the chair next to Mags.

"Not quite," Mag replied. "But it's getting there."

"Well, it's too bad this can't last," Max replied.

"You're joking right?" Mags asked; she cocked an eye open to catch Max's face. "You'd miss it big time."

Max reached over and grabbed his beer and took a sip and gave Maggie a wink.

Reaped by Robot Scythes

The sound of a heavy metal foot on cement. 

Another sound making the earth tremble a bit. This time a whirring sound.

Max dared not let out a breath. His fingers coiled around the trigger, ready to get into action. But, now wasn't the time. He knew that what he was up against was way out of his league, but he would face it if the task came to that.

Closer but still unsure.
Bricks fall close by . 

Cha- Crunk!
Another step close. Too close. Max prepared for the battle; he kissed the tips of his guns and closed his eyes for a fraction of a second. Sweat dripped from his forehead, and he didn't dare wipe it.

The Deal of the Current Reality...

MAX, FRANK, PRETTY GEORGE and SUKI are sitting at a table by the window. MAX is sipping on a coffee and wearing a t-shirt that has a picture of the Queen whose skin is open to reveal that she is a lizard. FRANK is dressed to the nines in a black jacket and tie with a pink dress shirt. PRETTY GEORGE is sitting at the end of the table, and SUKI is playing with a yo-yo not really paying attention to the fellows.

There is a strange weird item sitting on the table. Frank is peering at it but afraid to touch it.

... what is it?

Don't know as of yet. But it sure is funky looking.

Is it safe?

I am not sure what the hell it is. So it's hard for me to classify it.

You're insane.

Well, in my business you have to take some risks. When something like this falls into your lap you have to take the good with the bad.

(turns to Max)
And you trust this man?

He has my back.

That's all I need to know.

Tears of an Angel

Maggie lifted a napkin to the corner of her eyes.

She was crying. And her eyes showed that she had been crying for a long while at that. She dabbed lightly so that the tears were absorbed into the material.

She didn't know why this came over her. But she was crying like she never cried before. It was a pain she had sworn that it would never overcome her again. And, here it was.

(no subject)

MAX and ANGST are sitting on a bench in the atrium, sitting by a tree. MAX has a styrofoam coffee in his hands. FRANK is leaning back on the wall with one leg propped up as well, he is also drinking coffee. It is 10:45am. There are just a few other students about.

Why is it that we can remember things in shifts and other shifts we forget?

The power of the plureality. 

But what does this have to do with us in the first place?

Maybe all. Maybe nothing at all. I think we are being tested on what we are doing and how good we can do it. Just like pawns on the great chess board.

Man that sucks. Like now is one of those times that I wish I really didn't know who I am.

Awwww poor Franky hates being in high school.

Just go with the flow my good friend. After we do what we have to do here who knows what the next shift has install for us.

Sounds like I am a fucking character in a fucking roleplaying game. 

(Angst rolls her eyes back)

Wouldn't that be a pisser huh? 
(he shoots Angst a wink)