Current Transmissions:


Operation Domus Tenebrae

-- File Excerpt --
Location: Morrison's Crossing, Rural XXXXXXXXXXX

Day Eleven: Cube registers zero fluctuation in the building's Mana-field. Occupants remain unaware of surveillance.

Day Twelve: Cube registers zero fluctuation in the building's Mana-field. Occupants remain unaware of surveillance.

Day Thirteen: Cube registers point-zero-one negative fluctuation in the building's Mana-field [within parameters]. Occupants remain unaware of surveillance.

Day Fourteen. Cube registers sudden two-point-one-three positive spike in the building's Mana-field. Occupants at risk from toxic levels of Mana [Types 4, 13 and 18]. Cube enters the building. Viking begins Galahad invocation in case exo-parameter entities manifest. Gauntlet follows Cube in.

Gauntlet nodded as she oiled the barrel of her shotgun. "Absolutely. Furniture was tossing about, shadows were growing and breaking, there were loud noises, like howling or metal grinding."

"As soon as Galahad took over I could feel the dark radiating, even from the road."

"I had the speaker hooked on my belt, hit play - I was using that Hebrew/Enochian mashup you heard last week. I start firing elemental shells in pentagram formations in each room -"

"Classic," Viking said.

"It felt classic, you know? Old school."

"And where's Cube?"

"Same place as when you finally made it in," Gauntlet said. "Crouched over the kids. He was talking to them, while everything was going bonkers all around them. Not sure what he was saying, but they were listening."