Previously in the Metaplex:
I understand. It's not my first psych assessment. I've been through it before.”
don't mean to be rude. I will continue to challenge your assertion, however,
that the motel was the scene of a...”
- Dr. Longfellow checked her notes - “
...'grade-A-SNAFU-fight-scene'. There was simply no evidence to corroborate
what you described. No bullet holes, no burn marks, no bodies.”
because it was a delusion. Because it happened in another version.
Unfortunately my wounds didn't get erased in the shift. And yes, I know that
sounds crazy. Like I said -”
- this isn't the first time this has happened.” She nodded. “So... why don't you tell me
what usually happens next?”
He smiled. “She
finds me. That's how it goes. Or I find her. We find each other, we lose each
other. Lost and found. Did you ever see that movie Ladyhawke? He's a wolf by night, she's a hawk by day, they're only
together in those brief, liminal times. Sunset, sunrise. It's like that, but
with weird biblical symbolism and the many-worlds-interpretation of quantum
theory. The others never really notice how rare it is for us to be in the same
Dr. Longfellow wrote down the title of the film, 'bible' and
'quantum'. She had a sense of deja vu.
“In some ways it's harder than before I met her, but in other ways it's so much... more worth it,”
he continued. “Anyway, I
hope it's her that comes. It isn't always.”
She looked up from her note pad. He looked serious in a way
that he hadn't before.
are others who are looking for me,”
Max said.
nurse poked her head in the door. “Doctor, there's a call for you.”