INT. ABANDONED HOUSE - TOP FLOOR - DAY MAX is sitting on an old wooden
chair with his hands behind him. In front of him THE FUTURE paces across
the floor. The Future is clearly agitated.
THE FUTURE: You know eventually I will have to kill you.
MAX: I know you do.
THE FUTURE: You seem pretty calm about it.
MAX: Well, we all die sooner or later.
THE FUTURE: You don't have to be smug about it.
MAX: I am not as smug as I look. Can I ask you a favour before my life expires?
THE FUTURE: That depends on what the favour is?
MAX: Can I have a smoke?
Future pauses and then reaches for a pack of smokes. As he opens one,
the camera zooms in on the cigarettes and each cigarette has a miniature
chakra engraved on them.
The Future pulls out one and puts it
in Max's mouth and lights it. Max closes his eyes as he puffs on the
cigarette. Letting the smoke down deep into his lungs, and then exhaling
a purplish fog.
MAX: Now that hits the spot.
THE FUTURE: You know you are this close to dying.
MAX: I have been this close for a long, long time now.
the music begins from darkness: various shots of the city. Subway
platform. City square. Tall building. Busker strumming guitar. Man with a
fedora looking at some kids playing across the road. An abandoned
building with boarded-up windows. A gum wrapper blowing in the breeze. Kids playing in the park. A teen in a car zooming past a corner store.
ZOOMS IN ON THE DOOR as MAX steps out of a convenient store. He is
dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt with the words LIFER. He heads down
the sidewalk walking towards the subway.
CUT TO ALLEYWAY: THUG 1, THUG 2 and GOON step out of the alleyway as Max passes. They proceed to follow him.
EXT. SUBWAY PLATFORM Max heads down the stairs walking towards the camera. We see the Thugs follow.
standing off to one side. SUKI is skipping rope at the far end. AKIMOTO
is leaning up against the wall his nose buried in a book.
THUG 1 Hey Man.
THUG 2 Yo.
MAX Hello.
THUG 1 You got change for a dollar. I need to make a phone call.
GOON and THUG 2 are giddy.
MAX (reaching for front pocket) Sure.
Thug 1 pulls out a handgun and aims it at Max. While Thug 2 and Goon look at the others on the platform.
THUG 1 Good because I am going to take it all.
THUG 2 No one else move or else there's gonna be trouble.
Suki is skipping over.
Akimoto glances up over at Suki. Suki gives him the 'I can handle it' look so Akimoto goes back to reading the novel.
AKIMOTO (softly to Suki) You're not going to let this one slide are you?
Suki throws Akimoto the 'Hey It's Me' look. Akimoto shakes his head.