Current Transmissions:


Art Imitating Life Imitating Art


MAX, SUKI & AKIMOTO are on the platform. Max is leaning up against a pillar, smoking a cigarette. He is wearing a red t-shirt declaring "Pick Me Kirk!". Akimoto is dressed in a tropical shirt and torn jeans; he is sitting at bench reading a comic book. Suki is sitting on the floor; she is tracing patterns on the tile.

I'm bored. How long are we going to wait here?

As long as it takes

This sucks. We should be kicking butt by now.

Suki, be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

Akimoto looks up from his comic and flips a page. The action on the comic book seems to mirror what just went on between Suki and Max. Akimoto shrugs and goes back to reading... On the first panel is the sound of a train. 

Sound of a train approaching.

Hope our car is on this one.

It could be.

Akimoto looks at the comic book again and at Suki and Max and then he flips the page to see something hideous on it. Cut to Akimoto's eyes widening in horror. He drops the comic and grabs his sword.

Camera pans into the comic book and onto a frame in which Max asks Akimoto:

What is it?

Cut to other panel in which Akimoto turns and faces Max:

Something spooky.

The Cards Be Calling

Mags was in a sunny room with others; she was seated on the floor with a cup of tea by her side and a deck of cards in front of her. But they weren't an ordinary deck of cards; they were cards with some symbols and other pictures on them. She was drawing the cards out and looking at them and then putting them down as part of a pattern.

"What are you doing?" Kia asked.

Mags looked at her and cocked an eyebrow. "If you have to ask then you're to ignorant to know." Then she went back to draw the next card and look at it. Pondering the implication of what the card was telling her. 

"Now, now Maggie," a nurse scorned Mags. "We gave you those cards to calm you down, we can just as easily take them away from you."

Mags looked up at the nurse and cocked an eyebrow and added a wry smile to it, as if challenging the nurse to come and do what she had threatened to do.