Current Transmissions:


Spa Day

She really didn't know when was the last time she had a day to herself. Three or four decades to say least and she was glad to have a respite. Away from the hustle and bustle of the worlds around her and just take some me-time.

"So, where you from?" Colleen asked.

"Oh, from around here and there. I rarely stay in one place these days," she replied. She didn't want to go into details since if she told the truth Colleen might consider her 'unstable' and would end their brief friendship. But considering that Colleen read Kaye-Silence books her mind might have been open. "I'm not accustomed to relaxing like this, it feels nice to be doing so."

Colleen nodded.

"I say we crack open a bottle of wine and let our hair down for the evening," Maggie said. "Let's give these March Break kids a run for their money."

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