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Faux News of the Moment

By Nelson Tad
Winterglen Weekly Staff Writer

WINTERGLEN (AP) - Fred Strictlan still drives his car to and fro, and goes out every Saturday evening for a pint or two down at the local pub.

Not bad for a 99-year-old. 

Winterglen's oldest resident turns 100 on Nov 10 and will celebrate at three parties - one given by his family, one given by neighbours and another at Century Tavern, the pub he frequents. 

He says that he also eats right and has a pint a day, as well as a cigar (or two).

Strictlan drives his own car. He bought his first car for $80. Right now he's lucky if he can fill a gas tank for that price.

As for reaching the 100 mark, Strictlan says it isn't such a novelty. 

"When I was a teen, there was a woman who was 112, and she didn't look a day older than 30," he says. "Her name was Maggie and she had the prettiest red-hair that I have ever seen on a woman. I guess they just raised them like that back then." 

Records show that there was a Marigarnettia Madison who resided in Winterglen, but no mention of her whereabouts or what age she was.

"The funny thing is that I could swear I just saw her in town last week," Strictlan says. "She was standing by the place she used to live looking up at the stars."

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